Center For Popular Democracy
The Center for Popular Democracy is the largest multiracial network in the nation. CPD and CPD Action have over half a million members in 48 state and local community organizations across 38 states dedicated to achieving racial and economic justice through local grassroots organizing. CPD/A trains and supports leadership, staff, and members to grow base-building organizations to scale and leverage that strength to win cutting-edge policy victories at the federal, state and local level.
SPACES In Action
SPACEs In Action (SIA) is a grassroots, non-profit organization. SIA campaigns include increasing early childhood learning opportunities, access to health equity, and racial/economic justice for black and brown communities in the metro Washington DC region. Through base building, leadership development and taking collective action, we build power, expand coalitions and bridge alliances to win local, regional, and national people-centered solutions.
Texas Organizing Project
Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve.
Rights & Democracy
Rights & Democracy is a people’s organization in New Hampshire and Vermont building a political movement based on the values of our communities. Our members come from working and low-income families and are committed to building across Vermont and New Hampshire. We believe we can achieve a society where people earn a livable wage and have access to affordable health care, and where a progressive and equitable tax system supports an economy that protects the environment and human rights. We believe Vermont and New Hampshire can lead our country in a new direction towards happy, healthy, and just communities for everyone.
Our Future West Virginia
Our Future West Virginia meet folks where they are, helping communities build local power to upend oppressive systems around them. We envision a West Virginia where every person has the justice, dignity, and equity needed to thrive.
Opportunity Knocks Delaware (OK Delaware)
Opportunity Knocks for Delaware (OK Delaware), formerly Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement (DelACA), was formed in 2009 to empower low- and moderate-income people to improve their communities. OK Delaware was founded on the belief that individuals should receive equal services and have a voice/role in the policies and institutions that impact their lives.
Arkansas Community Organizations
Arkansas Community Organizations is Arkansas's largest grassroots organization. We organize low-income and working families across the state to enable them to fight for social and economic justice. ACO believes that when people join together around a common purpose, they can accomplish great things through planning and action.
Alaskans Take a Stand
Alaskans Take a Stand is a diverse group of Alaskans coming together to increase community awareness on social and healing justice, Indigenous rights, and racial equity. Connecting through activities that address base community wellbeing measures.